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MID TEST (UTS) Basic Chemistry I

Electronegativity of The Periodic Trends

November 06, 2012 4 Comments A+ a-

Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom or molecule to attract electron pairs in the context of chemical bonds.Electronegativity can not be calculated directly, but must be calculated from the properties of atoms and molecules. Several methods of calculation have been proposed. Although in every method there is little difference in the numerical value of the electronegativity, all methods have the same trend in the period between the elements.
 The most commonly used method is the method of Pauling. The results of this calculation produces a dimensionless value and is usually referred to as the Pauling scale relative scale that ranged from 0.7 to 4.0 (hydrogen = 2.2). When other methods of calculation is used, there is a convention (although not required) to use the same scale range Pauling scale: this is known as an electronegativity in Pauling units.
Electronegativity is not part of the nature of the atom, but only the nature of atoms in molecules. Properties of single atoms is equal to the electron affinity electronegativity. Electronegativity in an element will vary depending on the chemical environment, but it is usually regarded as a property of displaced, an electronegativity value is considered to apply to various situations vary.
Carbon-fluorine bond
Fluorine is much more electronegative than carbon. Original value Pauling scale is
This means that the fluorine attract electrons more strongly than carbon. Ties on average will look like this:


Carbon-chlorine bond
Its electronegativity is:

Pair bonding electrons will be drawn to chlorine but not as strong as in florins. Because chlorine is not senegatif florins.

  Bond polarity and inductive effects
Polarity bond
Think about the carbon-fluorine bond again. Because the bonding pair of electrons pulled towards the side of the florin would be more negative. While the pair of carbon becomes slightly more electron deficiency and be more positive.
symbols + and - means "more positive" and "more negative". + Read with the "delta plus" or "positive delta".
We describe a bond that has the more negative and more positive as polar.
  Inductive effect
A fluorine atom as to attract the electron pair bond is said to have a negative inductive effect.
Most of the atoms that you would have encountered mostly have negative inductive effect when bonded to carbon because they are more electronegative than carbon.
 You will also find some group of atoms that has little inductive effect posotif. They push the electrons to the carbon they are bonded and makes it more negative.
Inductive effects are often given the symbol: I-(negative inductive effect) and + I (positive inductive effect).
  Some important examples of polar bonds
Hydrogen Bromide (and other hydrogen halides)
Bromine (halogen and others) are all more electronegative than hydrogen halide and all hydrogen bonds have polar bonds with the hydrogen halides are more positive and more negative parts.
The polarity of these molecules is crucial as they react with alkenes.
Carbon-bromine bond in Halogenoalkena
Bromine is more electronegative than carbon that bonds polarized as we have language support in CF and C-l.

The polarity of the carbon-halogen important in halogenoalkanes reaction.

Carbon-oxygen bond
A model orbital of the C = O at methanal, CHCHO, looks like this:
The most electronegative oxygen atoms attract both spouses ties to him. And it resulted in more negative oxyg

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November 6, 2012 at 1:37 AM delete

In electronegativity, the most commonly used method is the method of Pauling. Methods Pauling stated that results of this calculation, resulting in electronegativity values ​​ranged from 0.7 to 4.0? Why are worth only ranged between 0.7 to 4.0, why is the value not more or less?

November 6, 2012 at 5:23 AM delete

The method commonly used is the method of Pauling. The results of this calculation produces a dimensionless value and is usually referred to as the Pauling scale relative scale that ranged from 0.7 to 4.0 (hydrogen = 2.2). When other methods of calculation is used, there is a convention (although not required) to use the same scale range Pauling scale: this is known as an electronegativity in Pauling units Pauling.dan using tally between the range of 0.7 to 4.0 is under consideration, if it created a new calculation, it will be more difficult to calculate

November 9, 2012 at 1:36 AM delete

because the elements found today still has a maximum and minimum limit of electronegativity as Fluorine (the most electronegative element) has a value of 4.0, the value is down to cesium and francium lowest electronegative 0.7.

November 9, 2012 at 8:51 AM delete

Pauling method is the method most commonly used, and this method has provisions electronegativity value of 0.7 to 4. if you use a value other than that it will be difficult to quantify.
